Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekend Planning.

Menu for the week:

Indian Lamb Patties with peas
South Indian Chickpea Curry
Chicken Saagwala
Stir fry Shrimp with Zucchini
lots of fruits and veggies

Already made and tried the Lamb Patties!  Yum.  and the chickpea curry was delicious but fartogenic!  Beware of the chickpeas!!!
Today we prepare the chicken saagwaal and the shrimp for some dishes for the week. 

Yesterday, we went bike riding as a family!  Oh MAN am I out of shape.  I was surprised at how much, too!  I walk up to the fifth floor of the hospital every single day and am tired at the top, but usually make it.  My thighs were KILLING me yesterday  and I was slow.  So I plan on repeating the torture again! Fortunately we’re having spectacular weather and the leaves are the prettiest I’ve seen them in years.  Reds, yellows, beautiful filtered light, warm air, the smell of fall, all make the riding easier!  You wonder what you’ll see next! 
We rode for about 30-5 minutes.  I got exercise pumping up the bike tires to 60 PSI for two of the bikes.  Hey, you get it where you can!  I have to remember that ANY movement counts.

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