Boy Scout Camporee with BlackHawk Council
Illinois Railway Museum
May 13-15, 2016
Disclaimer: This is all in fun/tongue in cheek. We actually had a great time and no one suffered from hypothermia.
The windswept prairie grass was wet and the mud sucked at our boots. The
rain had slowed to a soaking, cold drizzle. The “gulag lights” at either end of
the field lit up rows of tents, Boy Scout trailers and kitchen flys. Some
sites had tents lined up in military precision, Patrol boxes all set up, and
others were rag-tag and thrown together slap dash, like ours.
One thing was for sure, though. I was not going to be able to sleep in
my tent. The wind was so fierce it blew in the sidewall of my tent and I would be unable to sleep for fear of collapse. The thought, “Why didn’t I bring my 2
man tent? It’s small and low to the ground!” kept buzzing around my head.
To add to the excitement, the air conditioning was out in my car and the
windows were fogging up without it. Three teenaged boys and me, driving rain,
cold air, and an hour and a half drive could have been a disaster, but I had
coated the windshield with shaving cream, which stopped it from
fogging up. McGyver-ing is a way of life with a 12 year old van.
Sleeping on the bench seat of the second row of seats in the van was
extraordinarily uncomfortable. I put on long johns, sweat pants, dry socks, and
several upper layers, and used the extra sleeping bag in the van. I woke up
with cramps in my calves, numb hands, and a headache. Benadryl helped a little, but not enough.
Saturday morning broke with cloudy skies and temps in the upper 30’s, low
40’s. I walked to the campsite from the van, after using the Port-a-Potties, and attempted to locate propane
for the stove, the coffee, and a lighter. This was a difficult task with brain fog
from benadryl, sleep deprivation, and no coffee.
Fortunately, I had brought a lighter, as they seem to disappear with each
camping trip, never to be seen again.
Be Prepared.
Be Prepared.
After I got the coffee going, the other parents started to wake up.
Breakfast was “eggs in a bag.”
This gourmet concoction consists of eggs in a freezer bag, mushed up with add ins, like ham or cheese, salsa,
onions, peppers. You push out the extra air, and boil the eggs in the bag. Then
you use the hot water for your dishes, which consist of your coffee cup, pot, and
fork because you eat out of the bag.
The problem with this breakfast is the fact that you now have 10 plastic
bags to throw away, and no one remembered to bring garbage bags. Hmmm.
This is when we noticed that several of our boys were NOT prepared. One
had on a short sleeved shirt and shorts and no coat, several didn't have enough
layers or hats, or gloves. Argh. Clothes were traded, shared, and layered,
and a clothesline was set up to dry out wet clothes at the campsite.

“Look, Listen, Live” was
the theme of the Operation Lifesaver. The engineer leading it told us some
frightening statistics about how often someone is hit by a train in the US and how to avoid this fate.
We learned how to identify 10 different types of railroad cars, and we
saw steam , electric, and diesel locomotives.
We saw an empty wine bottle of Beaujolais sitting on the steps of an old
passenger car that had clearly been broken into and was being used by local
oenophiles to do their wine tasting events in the middle of the night.

Next was the Black smithing.
The blacksmiths were awesome.
Their rule
Don’t be stupid.
That was it.
Don’t pick up hot iron if you drop it. Use the gloved hand to
handle the hot iron. Wear your eye protection-- in other words: Don’t be Stupid.
Even the smallest kids were allowed to participate, and all of them made
“S-hooks,” despite the parents yelling that they wanted a harpoon tip, or a
candelabra. The kids seemed pretty happy with the S-hooks though, and the parents were
glad to have their children back without third degree burns. It made us realize
that our kids actually CAN follow directions. I offered to hire the Smithy
to come live with us and to get my kid to do his chores, but he declined,
albeit politely. After all, he is a Scout.
Later, the sun broke through and the sky cleared… for 5 minutes.
The parents, or "Bigfoot Patrol," had a gourmet meal of beef stew made by our Scoutmaster, and the
boys had walking tacos. I think we won that competition, hands down. The boys
were ogling our dinners with desire. “Next time you guys can do this,” we told

There was supposed to be a 5 K run in the morning at 6:30 a.m. I don’t know if that actually took place because, let’s face it-what teenager actually gets up at 6:30 a.m. voluntarily? So that didn’t happen. But we got up, broke camp, and were home by 10:30 a.m. which was great, except I had to set up the tent in the backyard to dry out and do 700 loads of laundry, and dry out my son’s bag on the clothesline, and…
May 13-15, 2016
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